New rules governing what pharmaceutical companies and their sales reps may give as gifts to doctors have crimped the promotional arm of the Big Pharma industry. So what are the smart pharmaceuticals doing about it? The best are focusing on business storytelling for sales.

Sales people know they must use business storytelling skills to build their base. The best are always looking for new ways to attract the attention of prospects and followers.

Smart companies and sales people know that storytelling skills are essential to catch the attention of prospects in today's busy world. Do you know how to tell stories in the 21st century?

Business storytelling skills for sales

Business storytelling skills for sales and in the rest of the corporate world are essential for anyone wishing to succeed.

Storytelling expert Dave Lieber, currently a star award-winning investigative columnist for one of America's most prestigious newspapers, believes that smart sales people build relationships first. Then they talk about their product. Storytelling in sales creates a more productive relationship. The rollout of new products is best accomplished through storytelling rather than bullet points. Stories create passion, and passion leads to sales.


Dave Lieber is a Certified Speaking Professional

Do you want to know more? Dave Lieber shares his storytelling program with groups across North America.

“Stories are important because they get people to listen to you,” Dave says. “Stories are how people remember. They are better than facts and figures. Stories help build relationships. They attract and engage.”

Dave Lieber teaches his “Magical V-Shaped Storytelling Formula” which anyone can use immediately.

Here are three business storytelling tips for sales:

  1. Reporters for print and broadcast always look for great stories. When something wonderful happens, don't be shy about pitching it. Call the assignment editor and say, “I've got a nice bright feature for you.”
  2. A touch of passion and a pinch of comedy bring a short story alive.
  3. The key is to show, not tell a story. One easy way to do that is tell it in the present tense.

Be your audience's favorite. Build on the skills you already have. Learn with one of America's top storytelling experts. Here's what some helped by Dave Lieber say.

You can bring Dave Lieber to your group. He’s an expert on storytelling for business and showing the power of storytelling to increase sales, build support, raise money and attract attention.


Learn with one of America's top storytelling experts. Here's what some helped by Dave Lieber say.

He’s a Certified Speaking Professional and a fabulous entertainer offering fun and funny insights to make your life better. He’s The Watchdog columnist at The Dallas Morning News.

Dave Lieber. Authentic. Engaging. Interactive.

WATCH: Dave Lieber’s 2-Minute SIZZLE REEL


BOOK DAVE NOW. Contact his office here or CALL 1-800-557-8166.

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