Meet Kentucky's newest colonel. While visiting Kentucky to work with speakers on presentation tips, Dave Lieber learned a thing or two about Kentucky's presentation tips.
He helped Kentucky's finest speakers with presentation tips. In gratitude, Dave Lieber was presented with a proclamation signed by Kentucky Governor Steven L. Beshear in one of his last official acts before his term expired.
Meet Colonel Dave Lieber.
Called by the state governor “the highest honor awarded by the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” the Kentucky colonel proclamation was given to Dave for his service to National Speakers Association/Kentucky chapter.
Dave taught presentation tips, storytelling in business and business storytelling tips to his colleagues.
Other well-known colonels include: Harland “Colonel” Sanders; Muhammad Ali, Betty White, George Clooney, Ashley Judd, Johnny Depp and Elvis Presley.
“I love this because it's a great way for the state to promote itself beyond its borders,” Dave Lieber says. “I saw how Kentucky uses its brand to showcase itself. That's a great presentation tip all its own.
“I”m also an Admiral in the Great Navy of the State of West Virginia (awarded in 1981). So colonel or admiral, whichever, I'm happy to spread the word about these two great states.”
Great talk by storyteller/columnist @DaveLieber tonight at University of Charleston. Touching, funny, humble, human.
— vicburkhammer (@vicburkhammer) March 18, 2015
Remember that you can bring Dave Lieber to your group. He’s an expert in storytelling for business and showing the power of storytelling to increase sales, build support, raise money and attract attention.
He’s a Certified Speaking Professional and a fabulous entertainer offering fun and funny insights to make your life better. He’s The Watchdog columnist at The Dallas Morning News.
Dave Lieber. Authentic. Engaging. Interactive.
WATCH: Dave Lieber’s 2-Minute SIZZLE REEL
BOOK DAVE NOW. Contact his office here or CALL 1-800-557-8166.