I respect the kid who works at McDonald’s.

I imagine she or he is a senior in high school working 10-15 hours a week, trying to earn money for gas, car insurance, maybe college.

But I bet if you ask most what they do, they’ll say they put hamburgers in a bag.

They do so much more. How about this? They help power America’s workforce.

They feed the mom who just completed the overnight shift at the warehouse.

They feed the dad waking himself up with strong coffee.


Courtesy of InsuranceJournal.com

The high school worker probably doesn’t realize that McDonalds’ low coffee prices are in welcome contrast to Starbucks’ prices. McDonald’s also favors senior citizens, giving them deep discounts on coffee. Seniors love that.

This is the kind of conversation America’s companies need to have showing what they do. Most of us have jobs that help humanity. It’s a lot more than putting burgers in a bag.

Learn more about our storytelling in business presentations. Call now at 1-800-557-8166.

More from Dave Lieber on Storytelling in Business Presentations

If you tell stories for a living, here's how to get better

For storytelling in business, here's how to ‘show and not tell'

Why telling your stories in three acts is best for business storytelling

Remember that you can bring Dave Lieber to your group for storytelling in business presentations. He’s an expert on storytelling for business and showing the power of storytelling to increase sales, build support, raise money and attract attention.

He’s a Certified Speaking Professional and a fabulous entertainer offering fun and funny insights to make your life better. He’s The Watchdog columnist at The Dallas Morning News.

Dave Lieber. Authentic. Engaging. Interactive.

WATCH: Dave Lieber’s 2-Minute SIZZLE REEL


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