NEW: Ross Perot biography by Dave Lieber now on sale!

NEW: Ross Perot biography by Dave Lieber now on sale!

As author Dave Lieber points out, Ross Perot’s runs for the presidency are only a small part of the remarkable story behind this complicated Texas genius and his philanthropic family.
This Ross Perot biography by Dave Lieber is a grand saga of love passed down from generation to generation. And along with that love came strong business values that built the Perot family ethos: Always pursue world-class excellence.

Amon Carter’s war with Dallas — with Dave Lieber at Dallas Public Library

Amon Carter’s war with Dallas — with Dave Lieber at Dallas Public Library

Hear wonderful stories about Amon “Mr. Fort Worth” Carter who owned the newspaper, radio station AND TV station. What power he had! Have fun with author Dave Lieber, playwright of the award-winning play and companion book of the same name: AMON! The Ultimate Texan. Dave is The Watchdog columnist at The Dallas Morning News. This program is sponsored by the Dallas Public Library.

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