INVITE: Summer Santa’s Roaring 20s murder mystery dinner on Feb. 10 is the bee’s knees
The Star-Telegram calls Summer Santa children’s charity’s Feb. 10 murder mystery fun-raiser “a fresh party format.” Don’t miss the fun.
The Star-Telegram calls Summer Santa children’s charity’s Feb. 10 murder mystery fun-raiser “a fresh party format.” Don’t miss the fun.
Columnist Dave Lieber always admired Pat Summerall for one specific reason: his will power. After a long life as a hard-charging drinker, he suddenly quit. After Dave wrote this tribute column, he got to know Pat. They met and even worked together on Dave’s charity, Summer Here’s that 1999 column.
This is a story about how Texas Gov. Rick Perry had the chance to grin like a small dog with a big bone. But instead he got as tight as a 38 bra on a 44 frame.
I write this not as a journalist. No, I write this as a dad who was having some fun, yes, admittedly a little at Rick Perry’s expense, for sure, but
If you are an idea person, you have to marvel at one judge in Texas. Brad Bradley of Southlake has created almost 30 non-profits.
He co-founded the Summer Santa children’s charity with Star-Telegram columnist Dave Lieber. Here, Lieber pays tribute to
What do you get when you combine the coolest house in Texas, Elvis and Summer Santa? You get one of the best parties ever!
My children’s charity held a VIP sponsor party in anticipation of the Nov. 14, 2010 Elvis concert. One of the best parties ever!